Parsnips and Other Things In My New Year Kitchen

Happy New Year! A lot happened last month to ring out the old year and bring in the new. Back at the beginning of the month, there was shopping to source special items for upcoming celebrations. My vegetable purveyor whom I mentioned in a recent post on excess butternut squash, did come through with parsnips. However – since they are sold primarily for catering companies – the smallest amount I could get was 5kg. It was that or nothing. I chose that.

Mentioning this parsnip overload predicament to various and sundry resulted in one of our students emailing me a Delia Smith method of freezing parsnips, to be used for roasting. They make superbly crisp parsnip chips. Delia’s method is quite simple: peel and cut the parsnips into sticks, blanch in boiling water for about 3 minutes, strain and immediately toss in flour that has had salt and pepper added. The steamy parsnip sticks take on a flour coating which I think adds to the crisp crust when roasted. These are then lined up individually on a foil lined tray for freezing. Once frozen, they can be put into bags for storage in the freezer. Delia also adds grated Parmesan to her flour mixture, but if I wanted to try the Parmesan version, I expect it could be added later. Two kilos down, three to go.

Of course, another old favourite is Curried Parsnip Soup. It is also good to freeze, so that original 5kg of parsnips then shrunk to almost nothing as the freezer has expanded.

I was also still dealing with butternut squash as we rashly ordered more for our staff Christmas Lunch. I had a lot of help making the staff lunch, so it went smoothly plus we used up two of the squash in a pork casserole. The stew was flavoured with cumin and fresh coriander with lots of white wine and homemade chicken stock. The recipe was based on Santa Fe Pork Stew from The Silver Palate’s cookbook New Basics – minus the black beans and substituting butternut squash for the sweet potatoes. There was plenty left over, so I added cooked black beans for another family size meal over the holidays.

Why are stews delicious, but so ugly to photograph?

Vegetarian options for the staff lunch were kolokithopita (savoury phyllo pumpkin pie) and a casserole of giant black beans (hence, the absence of beans in the pork stew, deemed to be too many beans on offer for the meal). This particular variety of giant black beans are approximately the size and shape of butter beans, grown in the north of the country, mainly in Western Macedonia. I’ve seen them labeled as Prespa beans (after the bean growing country around Lake Prespa) as well as Kastoria and Florina beans (after the two major towns in the area). Each area vies for the honour of producing the best quality beans and often they go so far to dismiss other areas as inferior – sometimes quite vociferously. We found Florina beans in a subterranean shop – a veritable emporium of beans and rice – in the Athinas market area of Central Athens. Tongue-in-cheek, I have to say they tasted exactly like the Prespa beans and the Kastoria beans we brought back on one of our earlier forays up north.

The pièce de résistance at this communal luncheon were the sweets. One experimental offering went down very well: a winter pavlova made with walnuts and topped with caramel coated apples. It combined two recipes I had previously posted: walnut meringues for the pavlova base and baked apples, sliced and coated in homemade caramel, for the topping. Everything was then dusted with cinnamon sugar.

Another sweet that received a lot of attention was the giant pasta frolla with quince paste – using 500g butter for the pastry and a huge amount of puréed ruby red quince to produce the rustic pie, measuring about 56 cm x 36 cm. Luckily, we have an enormous catering oven to accommodate the tray.

The first of the citrus crop – oranges (small slightly sour ones seen below), mandarins, lemons and limes – from the garden was piled into the kitchen a week before Christmas – to juice and freeze for the most part. I used some of the mandarin juice in an experimental mandarin chocolate sherbet – based on my plain chocolate sherbet recipe, simply substituting mandarin juice for the water and reducing the sugar a tiny bit. It was good, but I may play around with it a bit more and post the results if I can get it just right. There is also this mandarin ice cream recipe I’ve been meaning to try. There is certainly plenty of juice to play with.

So, the Christmas season came and went. Since I gave up all that frantic (and calorific) holiday cookie and cake baking, I replaced it with a lot of fun cooking and kitchen experimentation. The rest of the dwindling supply of fresh parsnips were used for roasting on Christmas day, all sorts of crackers and oatcakes made to go with all the cheese and pâté, Parmesan rolls to go with all the soup (particularly good with the curried parsnip), portokalopita which I have been meaning to make for a long time (post coming up next), our annual “easy” chocolate fudge making, our post-Christmas turkey curry with peach chutney and a quick lime pickle from the recent harvest in the garden…

Quick Lime Pickle, Crackers & Oatcakes, Chocolate Fudge and Portokalopita

New Year was celebrated with Greek traditions that I’ve blogged about before: the Vasilopita (the New Year Bread for St. Basil), smashing pomegranates on the doorstep on the strike of midnight for luck and prosperity in the coming year, a symbolic ceramic pomegranate to add to my growing collection and a gouri (a good luck charm) for luck in 2019.

St. Basil’s Breads for 2019

Smashed! [In the rain at midnight.]

An Iznik inspired ceramic pomegranate from the Theocharakis Gallery shop. Attached to it is this New Year’s tasselled gouri.

Now to plan for a Burn’s Night Supper later in the month. Will need to get the vegetable man on to sourcing neeps (swedes or rutabagas) by whatever name he may know them. I just hope they come in reasonable quantities.

A monthly IMK (In My Kitchen) post. Check out other IMK bloggers, each of us writing about what’s been happening in our kitchens each month, hosted by Sherry @ Sherry’s Pickings. Earlier IMK posts can be found on former IMK host blogs: Liz @ Bizzy Lizzys Good Things, Maureen @ The Orgasmic Chef) and the fabulous Celia @ Fig Jam and Lime Cordial who began the IMK phenomenon. A chronological listing of my In My Kitchen blog posts can be found on a separate page, just click the link or look under the heading of Diaries in the Menu bar above.


  1. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALSO. Thanks for the recipes especially for parsnips. They don’t grow them here in Crete but we have an English food shop who gets them for us just for X,mas. I love them roasted. Good luck for all you do in 2019.


  2. I had to smile while reading about your root veggie issues as that all we have in our markets these days that are somewhat local. Oh, we have broccoli from Spain Greek oranges and such, But this time of the year in Sweden it’s all about root veggies. Happy New Years Deb and I hope your veggie guy comes through with the kålrot.


    • These sorts of roots are not grown here in Greece as I expect you need much colder weather. However, much of the rest of the seasonal vegetables on offer in the markets are grown in the country. And, yes, the veg supplier did say he could get neeps, but he knew them by their American name, rutabaga. The down side is the quantity – minimum 10kg. I really don’t have use for that many!


  3. The more I hear about parsnip love, the more I think I should overcome my lifelong aversion to them and give them another chance! However, I think I might start with a quantity less than 5 KG.

    Have a glorious New Year!

    best… mae at


    • I feel the same way about cauliflower. Every once in a while someone will post an interesting recipe for cauli and I think I should overcome my dislike of it and give it a go. Still tastes the same, so I’ve given up. Don’t feel that you need to try parsnip just because others like it. Happy new year, Mae!


  4. You can never have too many parsnips. I really love curried parsnip too. The festive fair looks
    fabulous, especially the bread. Maybe I should make some for my dear Greek neighnour Anna. She gave me a pile of spanakopita yesterday and had tried a new filo recipe ( she has only bought the commercial stuff once in her life). She said the secret ingredient in the pastry is vinegar!

    Now to all those delicious links in your post. I’ve had a peep at the peach chutney and will give that a go, given my bounty, now staring at me in the fridge.


    • The parsnips, believe it or not, are coming to an end. Ask your Greek neighbour what sort of Vasilopita she makes; there are many sorts. Mine is more old-fashioned tsoureki sort of bread, but many people here in Athens make something more like a cake. We just opened the last jar of peach chutney for curry the other night. Will need to make more in the summer. I’ve found it is best made with slightly firm peaches – not the juicy ones. Hope you like it.

      Liked by 1 person

      • She makes the one that is very bread like. I decided the white peaches are too juicy for this chutney so will wait for the yellow peach season which have firmer flesh. Thanks Debi.


  5. Happy New Year Debi. I love parsnips too, there are so many ways to enjoy them, I even tried a parsnip skordalia a few years back which I need to revisit. Enjoy your break….


  6. Yes, savoury foods never photograph as well as sweets. That’s why I hardly ever post savoury recipes ; ) I adore your Iznik pomegranate. I bought a small ceramic pomegranate on a trip to Cyprus. It has pride of place on my bookshelf. Next time you have a parsnip excess (if ever again?) make sure you Google Parsnip & White Chocolate Cake – there are lots of surprising and inspirational recipes! Happy New Year.

    My late addition:


    • Pomegranates are special and my Iznik inspired one has pride of place on the shelf in the living room. And, yes, parsnip and white chocolate cake sounds interesting – like beetroot and chocolate cake, maybe.


  7. There are so many delicious treats in your post that I don’t know where to start. Happy New Year to you. I look forward to a post about how the parsnip “french fries” taste, what a good idea. And I agree, stews and minces never turn out well in pictures. A lot of parsley helps.


  8. happy new year Debi. wow that’s a lot of parsnips. mum used to bake them on sundays with our roast beef lunch but i never eat them as an adult. just a bit … fibrous or something for me. love your beautiful quince pie, so huge and lush. your ceramic pomegranate is lovely too. pavlova is always a good thing! cheers sherry


  9. Debi, I still haven’t tried smashing a pomegranate on our doorstep (making a batch of black-eyed peas is the local custom for New Year’s “luck”) but it sounded FUN — even in the rain. Loved your ceramic pomegranate, as well as your Pavlova and HUGE pie! Thanks for your parsnip-freezing tutorial, too. (Good luck with the rest of the glut.) That’s one thing I love about IMK — creative, reliable tips with little or no waste to make the most of everything — and every moment. Happy New Year! xo


    • Thanks for stopping by, Kim, and sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. Comments have been piling up while I’ve taken my eye off the ball. I love all sorts of customs and New Year’s ones here in Greece are really fun. And yes, smashing the pomegranate on the doorstep is immensely satisfying! Happy belated New Year!


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