
I’ve recently been nominated for two blogging awards. I’m a little bit awed that anyone out there actually thought to award me, particularly since this blog is still in its infancy. However, I’d just like to say a heartfelt THANK YOU!

Also, being new to the blog scene, I had no idea how these awards worked and what a nomination actually meant. So, I did what I do best – research. Apparently, these awards are given to bloggers by other bloggers. A nomination is actually an award if you choose to accept it. If you choose to accept, there are a series of “rules” to be followed – in particular the further nomination of other bloggers, very much like a round-robin. All of which is to say how much you appreciate others’ blogs at the same time as promoting your own. Further “rules” include such things as a Q & A, lists of facts about yourself, and most importantly a thank you to those who nominated you. For more information about each of the awards, click on the image. This will take you to the best site I’ve been able to find that explains each award.

So, here goes:

Thank you, Dimple at Shivaay Delights for the nomination!

For the Versatile Bloggers Award, I would like to nominate the following:
Please Pass the Recipe
Italy Take Two
La Caccavella
Revolutionary Pie
Crumpets & Co.
Spontaneous Tomato
Cheesy Biscuit
Cottage Grove House
From Scratch
The Seasoned Traveller

Seven random things about me:

  1. I love dark chocolate. (But, who doesn’t?)
  2. I have a current obsession with quince.
  3. The first thing I look for when we travel to foreign countries is a traditional food market.
  4. I am fascinated with food and culinary history.
  5. I cannot be trusted to enter a bookshop without buying (or being tempted to buy) a new cookbook.
  6. I collect interesting glass jars and bottles – including vintage canning jars – which my family teasingly refers to as my jam jar collection.
  7. I treat myself to a new kitchen gadget around this time of year and then sneak it into my Christmas stocking.

Thank you, Karinna at Cheesy Biscuit for the nomination!

For the Liebster Award, I would like to nominate the following:
Please Pass the Recipe
Shivaay Delights
Farm Girl School
The Vintage Cookbookery
That Other Cooking Blog

My Answers to Questions from Cheesy Biscuit:

Question: What’s the worst item of food you’ve ever tasted?
Answer: Jellied eel, but a close runner up kidneys in a steak and kidney pie.

Question: What’s your favourite book?
Answer: Pride and Prejudice – stick with the classics.

Question: If you could wake up tomorrow somewhere other than where you are right now, where would that be?
Answer: Anywhere in Tuscany.

Question: Who (or what) makes you laugh?
Answer: No question – my husband.

Question: What thing do you do less, that you actually think you should do more often?
Answer: Long walks in the Peak District National Park 😦

Question: Christmas: yay or nay?
Answer: YAY

Question: Favourite quote, or piece of advice?
Answer: À chacun son goût – that is, tolerance, an acceptance that not everyone thinks or believes the same.

Question: Marmite or marmalade?
Answer: I’ve changed the question. There is only marmalade!

Question: Rice or couscous?
Answer: Difficult – both, really.

Question: Favourite thing to do to relax? And, ahem, keep it clean, people…
Answer: Read a good book.

Phew! A lot of work. For random facts about me, I refer you to my comments under The Versatile Blogger Award. And, to keep it simple, the single question for those I’ve nominated: Will you accept this award? I hope the answer is yes.


  1. Thanks so much for nominating Spontaneous Tomato! And congratulations on your own two awards! 🙂 I’m learning that we have quite a bit in common, especially your #s 3 and 5 in your list of random facts about yourself. I love love love going grocery shopping (or going to farmer’s markets) in other countries! And I have a cookbook buying problem, too. 🙂


    • People say that you learn about a foreign country by watching TV in that country. I think you can learn a lot more by going grocery shopping. Book buying in general is a real problem in our household, particularly when considering bookshelf space. I’ve recently converted to a kindle for general fiction, but REFUSE to get e-book editions of cookbooks. Got to handle the things!


      • I’m the same way! I would hate having to use a cookbook on my kindle (especially because my kindle is older and only in black & white). Even if I owned a colorful ipad, I would still only want to use cookbooks that I could page through and spill food on!


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