Around My Edible Garden

June 2015

It is always sad when a perrenial plant that one has relied on for many years goes into decline. But, as I remarked in a comment a little while ago, perennial does not mean perpetual. All living things must come to an end at some point, although some have shorter life-spans than others. My thyme bushes (10+ years old) are looking rather pathetic and twiggy with a few (a very scant few) new green leaves. Part of me wants to nurse them along, and another part tells me it is time to hoick them out and perhaps replace them with a fresh new specimens. I suspect I will replace them, even if I won’t be around much in the next few years to enjoy the new thymes. Something will need to fill the gaps in the herb garden or those darn weeds will colonise the space in no time.


It seems that June is the month when the excitement of the spring garden’s first flush turns to concerns of a more mundane nature. Weeds. Pests. The monster rhubarb is still a monster, but the leaves are looking a little like Swiss cheese. Snails are the culprits, but for some reason they only eat the poisonous leaves (to humans, that is) and avoid the edible stalks. Something to be grateful for, at least.


However, not all is doom and gloom. The berries that were flowering last month are beginning to form – loganberries (right), blackberries (top left) and blueberries (bottom left).


And, some critters are beneficial. We seem to have attracted quite a few bees. I was luckly to catch two atop the chive blossom.


Many of them are hovering around the raspberries, too restless to settle for long. Once these berries start forming, there will be a steady supply. One of my favourite fruits.


And, yes, I’ve potted up the raspberry escapees – the spreading rhizomes. Hopefully they will produce a good root system for transplanting. And, the same goes for the new potted loganberries, created from tip layering. I’m also waiting to see if the blackberry tip I anchored in the ground produces a new plant. The currants and gooseberries are slowly taking on colour. In fact, I’m beginning to harvest the black currants – some to be converted into cassis which I made last year from a recipe by the French artist (and gastronome), Toulouse-Lautrec. new fruits on the grapevine and the trees are slowly growing.


And, the mad kiwi vine has produced plentiful blossoms. Who knows? I might even get a kiwi or two.


Tasks to be done:

  1. Replace thyme bushes with new young ones.
  2. Continue harvesting black currants.
  3. Trim the unruly tendrils of the mad kiwi.
  4. Clip excess foliage from the grapevine.
Around My Edible Garden is my monthly diary entry detailing what is happening in my garden this past month, part of the Garden Share Collective (GSC), maintained by Lizzie@strayedtable (click on the “links in collection” icon below to view all participants). A chronological listing of my garden blog posts is listed Diaries in the Menu bar.


  1. How exciting seeing all that harvest to be developing! and lucky you having your own black currants 🙂 I bought some last year and had great fun making cassis too…nothing quite like a Kir Royale with the homemade product 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • I put cassis in with any berry type sweet. It is also good on its own, but ahhh…kir royal is something special! I usually get enough off the bushes to make a small batch of cassis plus a little extra for desserts (summer pudding usually, but I recently made a black currant sorbet – yum!).


    • Well, Glenda, I am going to attempt growing raspberries in Greece, so watch this space for success or failure. If they can grown in Athens, they might also grow in your Mediterranean climate.


    • You’re right, ten years for those thymes is a good life. They aren’t meant to last forever. Berries are now ripening and we’ve had harvests of blackcurrants, raspberries and a handful of loganberries.


    • Harvest is just beginning to come in – raspberries and enough black currants to make that cassis. Loganberries just beginning and lots more to come in within a week or two. My favourite time in the garden!


  2. At least the snails are eating your rhubarb leaves instead of other delicious morsels in your garden. I am absolutely amazed at your thyme bushes, if only i could ever get mine that big. I can’t seem to grow thyme if I tried, it dies on me every time and it is one of my favourite herbs too.


    • I couldn’t believe those snails actually preferred the leaves. Better them than us as the rhubarb leaves are poisonous to humans. Sad about the thymes. They can be finicky to grow, depending on the type. There are so many varieties out there. The most reliable one for me is the bog standard Thymus vulgaris (also simply called garden thyme or common thyme). Perhaps in you next garden they will do fine. You could always try. I would be at a loss if I didn’t have access to rosemary – something I use all the time. Where would we be without herbs?


    • I’m going to try growing raspberries and loganberries in Greece, so we will see how they adapt. No doubt I will be reporting back in a future GSC post. They need a bit of shade and water in hot climates and a little cool weather in winter, but they (at least theoretically on paper) appear to be adaptable plants. Strawberries grow quite well there, so with any luck, I will have my berries!


  3. How lovely to have your own berries growing! I love the pictures of the critters as well. Looks like there is going to be plenty of delicious sweet dishes as a result of your edible garden soon!


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